Plume Premium v4.57 Ҩ Requirements By Download Apk Files | Android Apps | Download Android Market Apk | Android v2.1+ Ҩ Requirements By Download Apk Files | Android Apps | Download Android Market Apk | Plume, a beaiful, highly customizable Twitter client ! Ҩ Ҩ
Ҩ Plume a beaiful completely customizable Twitter app will revolionize way use Twitter! Brought to by ahors of popular Beaiful Widgets, Plume of best Twitter clients Android a br Ice Cream Sandwich tablet interface! Plume was merly known Touiteur. (Twitter requested change name) Ҩ - Colorize timeline/ from Twitter Ҩ - Multiple twitter accounts support Ҩ - Scrollable beaiful widgets to display twitter timeline home Ҩ - Me twitter users, word clients Ҩ - Picture preview Ҩ - Twitter geotagg Ҩ - Swipe scroll Ҩ - Very customizable Ҩ - Internal browser Ҩ - Aocomplete twitter hashtags username Ҩ - Share Lockerz, Twitter, Twitpic, Plixi, YFrog, Posterous, Mobypicture, Ҩ - support tets Ҩ - Inline twitter conversation Ҩ - Display replies to a tet Ҩ - Display twitter profiles Ҩ - Pull to refresh Ҩ - a more! Ҩ Plume a beaiful, highly customizable Twitter client, which will change way feel ab Twitter! Ҩ Recent changes: Ҩ 4.57 - 2012/10/04 Ҩ - fix a deadlock Ҩ - back missing Jump To Top menu (oops) Ҩ - fix many crashes Ҩ 4.56 - 2012/10/03 Ҩ - fullscreen pictures Ҩ - JB notifications Ҩ - fixes draft, tetmarker, facebook more Ҩ - even better tablet handl Ҩ 4.50 - 2012/08/28 Ҩ - rework application navigation more fluid Ҩ - rework tablet UI to better fit 7" tablets Ҩ - a simple Draft stem (aomatic save/restore) Ҩ - Facebook picture uploading Ҩ - fix Twitlonger expansion Ҩ Less description » Ҩ Latest version: 4.57 ( Android version 2.1 higher, supports App2SD) Ҩ Note: premium features available. Ҩ T app no advertisement Ҩ /> Ҩ Ҩ Ҩ Download Instructions: Ҩ Ҩ Ҩ Ҩ