Bear & Widgets Pro v1.3.12 Ҩ Requirements By Download Apk Files | Android Apps | Download Android Market Apk | Android 2.1+ Ҩ Requirements By Download Apk Files | Android Apps | Download Android Market Apk | ar widgets app will ever need! Ҩ Ҩ
Ҩ See current ar stunn high definition ar animations! Contains many beaiful highly customizable ar clock widgets. Ҩ ! Use clock skins iconsets from popular Beaiful Widgets¹ app! Ҩ #1 best sell award winn Berryar BlackBerry now finally com to Android! Ҩ Bear Pro s a ton of customization options to modify its looks, widgets, notification setts default ar parameters. Set custom background images stick eye-candy high definition animations portraying current ar conditions. Ҩ Bear Pro will download an additional 25 MB of resources after installation (saved external/sd memory) Ҩ Features: Ҩ
- ar data provided by ar Underground, includes 7 hourly ecasts
- Visually stunn display of ar inmation using high definition animations
- Fully customizable clock ar widgets multiple sizes. Comes 150+ FREE iconsets!
- Support skins iconsets from popular Beaiful Widgets¹ app!
- Support iconsets from popular Fancy Widgets² app!
- More accurate conditions by switching to a nearby ar stations any location
- Dynamic Google Maps based animated radar satellite maps (US )
- Aomatily track location via GPS/cell
- Temperature notification statusbar
- Aomatily refresh ar widgets at preset interval when phone unlocked
- Instant ar advisory notifications (US ) via push technology (Android 2.2 higher)
- Built- animated radar maps (US )
- Replace/extend default radar maps preferred ar 's radar maps!
- Get more accurate conditions by switching to a nearby ar stations any location
- custom b cams media links (ar radio, video, HTML etc)
- Sunrise/Sunset times moon phase
- Completely customize Bear using fonts colors
- Added advisory notification filter
- Added preferences menu bton to widgets ( optionally be hidden)
- Added 'Save/Cancel' btons to widget preferences screen
- Potential fix widgets freezing
- Improved stability issues widgets
- Fixed potential NullPointerException
- Fixed potential ArrayOfBoundsException Ҩ